
'Fake Empire' by The National

"Turn the light out, say goodnight
no thinking for a little while
let's not try to figure out everything at once."

It's hard to express how much I love this song. In most of The National song's most of the time the lyrics don't make much sense until some little sentence (like this one - or like the "break my arms around the one I love in Daughters of The Soho riots) and everything sudently gets perfect.

Sometimes I feel "We're half-awake in a fake empire" could resume most of my life. lol? bah It's just so pretty. (:

2 comentários:

Nuno Guronsan disse...

Couldn't have said it better.
That's also the way I feel towards the songs of this wonderful band.
And, in fact, they sort of inspire me to also write a few nonsenses...


Good choice!

Cate disse...

"Lembras-te?!" "Lembro-me."

"We're half-awake in a fake empire" is just too real.

Old Weapons

And if you can't dance to this you can't do nothing for me baby.